Monday, May 26, 2008

black hair vs white girl

Rubber gloves?
potassium chloride?
Today i taught a white girl to do black hair.
Usually i fly home or my mother visits to chemically process my hair once ever few months.
Yes black women, i know that it's suppose to be ever 6 weeks for the most, but i'm a slacker.. sue
My mother had a leftover relaxer from her last visit so lesals and i sought out to do my hair. My hair has looked so awful and over grown so desperate times calls for desperate measures.
With a hope and a prayer we rocked it out and it came out real good. We could of left it on 10 minutes longer, but for being her first time, my psudohairdresser did a good job.
Now what's left is for me to blowdry it straight and flat iron it.
Thank God my girls do not have to go through this long, tedious, and sometimes dangerous process.


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