Saturday, January 07, 2006


You ever have such great news that you could burst?! Even if it's only a possibility? You are so elated that you want to climb to the highest rooftop and scream your news and just share the happiness. I have such news: i may be pregnant again! I took two tests yesterday to find a faded- but still present- plus signs in the indicator window. What a blessing! I will make really sure when i go to the doctor's office this coming week but we already told family that there is a chance of our second coming in September of this year.
The reactions across the board were generally positive and shared in our enthusiasm with the exception of a few. I was so bummed that the small percentage made me feel like they were more full of worry than happiness. It really deflated me. We are still happy and so excited (omg our kids will be almost 22 months apart!) but why do people do that? I know that one has the right to own their feelings but damn, i'm almost thirty years old; i've been happily married for 4 years now (been together for almost 7); i love being a mother; i've always wanted a big family with children close in age (my bro is 7 years older than me and it sux). i got a stronger reaction when i said my cat died.
I know that having a large family these days is looked upon as silly in some circles because of a mayrid of factors. Well, i'm aware of these factors and gosh darn it they are incidental to us because to quote the Beatles All you need is love.... and a great insurence
Isn't this exciting. Keep your fingers crossed that the doc sees that blip on the ultrasound. If we're pregnant we'll be estatic and i'm not going to let anyone take that away from us!


Blogger vintage lilac said...


9:26 PM  

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