Friday, January 13, 2006

"Kick Me" by Paul Fieg

I finally laid to rest the Van Gogh biography and picked a new find. I have mentioned earlier how i adore Freaks and Geeks co- creator Judd Apatow. What i forgot to mention was the other creator, Paul Fieg. Freaks and Geeks actually used many of his traumatic adolescence living in a Midwestern town. The book shares some of his more traumatic times like apprehensively French kissing a girl for the first time not too long after she threw up; him running to his mother's aid in full drag in the middle of a major intersection(he liked his Halloween costume so much that he did it for like a month in private); and discovering his admiration for the class gym rope. It's a popcorn read (quick and yummy)titled Kick Me so check it out a the library or pick up a cheap copy in the used section of


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