Thursday, May 18, 2006

Will and Grace Finale

I haven't watched Will & Grace since the thrid season but was called to watch the final episode. I've gotta tell yha that the show- to me anyway- would not have been funny had it not had Jack and Karen. They were the stars to me because Will and Grace's relationship was exhausting and unhealthy. I mean, obviously the two only invested in their friendship because they were so hurt in past relationships so that they couldn't be so vulnerable again (please don't get me started).
The series finale ran about 10 minutes too long. Why couldn't they just stop it after Will and Grace ran into eachother 20 years later. It would of been perfect (but i know we had to find out what happened to Jack and Karen..that was LAME for they then became Will and Grace). I didn't need to hear "Unforgetable" (which is still stuck in my head) or witness the group smiling at eachother before the credits.
I do have to say that the friendship between Will and Grace was inevitable. I loved when Grace left Will's apartment that one last time and said "I don't live here anymore". OMG! that was
There are times when we are very close with people we consider family, and then one day you break apart and go down your own paths because you simply don't "live there anymore"(something that i can relate to). Its time to move on. If you were ever great friends, you can pick up where you left off. Many of us pick up friends and lose friends in our lives. I know i have.


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