Thursday, June 15, 2006

SCDOT to the Rescue

Got out of bed this morning and didn’t feel to do a damn thing, but I had $20 burning a hole in my pocket. I packed up the little one and headed toward Dollar General.
To my dismay they didn’t sell the cute piggy banks that the West Ashley store sold so I headed off to N. Charleston to A.C. Moores (a 20- 30 minute drive) in search of Gel Medium.
We bopped along to my new ipod singing loudly to the Blackeyed Peas driving onto I26. Suddenly the driver’s side seemed strange. It felt like my car was shrinking on the busy interstate at 2:00pm. There was no noise just a sudden flatness so I pulled to the right side.
“OMG, where is the shoulder?!” I yelped as semi trucks whizzed by me going 70 and 80. “Am I on a bridge?!?!” Frightened, I called the hubby. No answer. I called him 6 times by the time I finally got an answer. Isabella giggling at her peanut butter cracker as I’m in tears.
He dropped his tool belt and headed toward us but he was all the way in John’s Island (beautiful place but about 20-30 mins past where we live in James Island!). I called the police who patched me through to SCDOT . Thank God I had a kind police woman escorted me to the shoulder (about ½ a mile up) and calmed me down. Whilst we waited, she properly installed the babe’s car seat (“it’s too loose,”), gave me some water and kept traffic at bay.
By the time the hubby arrived, I felt awful because I called him off of work (one hour from quitting time) and SCDOT man, Danny, already put my spare on.
After all that, I still wanted to spend that $20 but opted for Super Walmart (only 1 exit away) instead. They didn’t even have Gel Medium.


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