Saturday, June 03, 2006

Shout Out to My Bro

Please read the speech my brother gave to our wonderful elementary school St. Michaels in Silver Spring, MD on June 2. I'm very proud of him that he was able to give back to our beloved alma mater. I attended the school for 8 great years and every time i go home i have to go back and talk to my old teachers.
Parents, Family, Friends, Students, Faculty and Graduates, I bid you all a humble, “Good Evening.”
For the many of you who do not know who I am, my name is Marken Smith. I am a former student and 8th Grade graduate of St. Michael’s, Class of 1986 to be exact. Now I know that a lot of you current students and Graduates may think that 1986 was some 20 years ago, but please be forewarned…
”Time waits for no one.”
On this 20 year anniversary of my own 8th Grade Graduation, I find myself in a unique and fortunate position. The past couple of years have been more than normally blessed for me and my family. Even with this, what I would call newfound success as of late, I at times, personally feel that I am not doing enough.
I sat and deliberated on how I could reverse these feelings. I’m not sure how those who have long reached their pinnacle moment of achievement come the conclusion that it’s time to give back, but I personally do not want to wait till my elderly years to do so.
There are a lot of things one can do with money, but what is the best manner to utilize it?
There are only but so many material things one can buy.
“How many cars do you have to have?
How many houses?
How many or how big of a television does one need?
How many vacations and fancy dinners does one have to have before they give back to the very institutions and organizations that were critical in one’s development which contributed to that success?”
My parents raised me as a child of the earth and I do not deny the fact that they (parents) were instrumental in my personal development. In addition, I can not deny that there were family friends and teachers who were also critical to that development at different stages in my life.
From another aspect, it is also very important for me to tell current grade school students in general that I
Sat at the same desks,
Walked the same halls,
Tripped up the same steps,
And even hung out at the same libraries.
“I am you and you are me.”
I simply want you to know that even though the road of education may seem to be a long and tedious process, your efforts are not in vane. The very items that you study will have an impact on your future and professional career.
So, in light of all of this, I recently coordinated with St. Michael’s School to establish not one, but two Annual scholarships. These scholarships will be awarded to two graduating Eighth Graders whom are planning to further their High School education with local private school Institutions. These scholarships will provide a face value of $500 each and will assist you and your Parents to lighten the financial load associated with Private High School Education.
Now, I know that $500 may not sound like much to some students, but take a look around at the faces of your parents and family right now!
I don’t want to take any more time, but I would be negligent if I did not take this opportunity to thank a few people before announcing the Inaugural Recipients of the Marken G. Smith, Class of 1986 Scholarship exclusively sponsored by the company I founded, Mocmedia Industries Inc. I must let you know that I originally wanted the scholarship to bear the name Raymond-Rybczyk, but after a lot of arm twisting, I was convinced to place my own name, which sounds kinda’ awkward, but anyways.
I’d like to thank Ms. Blaine, Mrs. Victoria Bell, Mr. Rybczyk and Ms. McCann for their instrumental input and opportunity to bestow this honor. I would also like to thank my Parents, Marjorie and Kendrick Smith, and Sister, Janelle, who could not be here this evening. I would like to specifically thank Ms. Della Douglas for being a second Mother and providing words of inspiration. Last, but certainly not least, I’d like to express my eternal gratitude and thanks to my wife Jennifer and my 6-month old daughter Erielle. For without you, I would not possess the capacity to be in this position.
Ladies and Gentlemen:
I would like to present the Inaugural Marken G. Smith, Class of 1986 Scholarship sponsored exclusively by my firm Mocmedia Industries Inc. to:
“Mr. Joseph Boursiquot who will be attending Archbishop Carroll High School and Miss Jessica Julien who will be attending Elizabeth Seton.”


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