Sunday, May 21, 2006

Crafting: Candy Wrapper Wallets

So I got another craft project in the works. You know that crafting book I bought on Mother’s Day ? Well they had this cool project where you make little wallets using picnic table cloth, plastic report covers, piping and foil candy wrappers. Inexpensive; easy; certainly one of a kind and fun. My first attempt was ...ok, but an enthusiastic jumping off point.
The $8.65 spent at Hancock bought me ½ yard of cloth (enough for actually 30+ wallets) and 3 different colors of ½ “ piping (only use 24" per wallet). I had everything else in my crafting closet.
Hand sewing with floss is the suggested method assembling the wallet, but I found that 1, time consuming, 2, ugly and 3, sloppy. The sewing machine cut the task down to 5- 10 minutes!
So far I have made three. I’m still tweaking out the bugs. The size is perfect (not only does it hold all my cards and the little cash I carry but my Nano Ipod), but I think that there is some potential for something even better. As you can see in the picture above I embroidered an illustration of a peacock on felt as the cover instead of using a candy wrapper (I surprisingly do not have any wrappers in my home since I bake most of our tasty confections).
Once I get a wallet that’s near perfect, I’ll post the how to. Until then, please get the book! It’s worth the $20.


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