Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Dog Days

I have a confession... i do not like dogs. Let me rephrase that, i don't like having a dog of my own (but to be honest i do not care for other people's either..lmao). I'm sorry, but i am a cat person. Anyway, my husband brought home yet again another freakin' dog. We have adopted 3 dogs in the 7 years of being together and everytime it has ended bad.
My mother in law, the hubby's mom, has like 8 dogs that she has adopted (mostly purebred German shepherds)but she lives on 12 acres of land in the country! We, on the other hand, live on about an acre or so with a faulty fence and on a high traffic road. We've already lost our 4 cats (that we had for 2- 4 years) since we moved here last July (gone but not forgotten to my buds Goulash, Eboni, Nelson and Blu).
Our little tot was all smiles when she saw this long fur ball while the hubby sealed up any chances of escape. I'm hoping that the owners are found (my husband did leave a number in case someone is looking for him). The pooch did have a collar with a leash hook around his neck. He's also seems like he was a family dog 'cause he doesn't jump up on you, and exceptionally calm. Whatever the case, i better not hear the dog barking at 4:30am again tonight. I have enough trouble sleeping.


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