Thursday, July 31, 2008

blow in the doldrums

I woke in a foul mood perhaps it is 'cause i have not creating anything Or written in my journal in the last 2 weeks. the rain outside has made everywhere too hot and mosquito invested. to get myself out of the doldrums i cleaned out my car; kitchen; bedroom/ office put freshly washed sheets on my bed, taught Bubs to load her own DVDs in the player and refill her drinking cup with water scanned some new etsy items updated my ipod (The Kills and Louis xiv aren't that bad) and made ice cream with caramelized bananas for dessert. (yumm-0 mothaf*ka) So.. tomorrow after work, i will CREATE!
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Monday, July 28, 2008

We're back and it's the hottness

Today is a hot one. I have finally got my internet back thanks to the lovely Victoria from AT&T. Now please be patient as i back blog. Much has happened since i've last blogged
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