Friday, March 17, 2006

We Really Miss You Nic...

Dear Nic,
When you left us two years ago at such a young age, we knew that it all would be different. Throughout the 5 months after you found out that Puffy Daddy was actually a tumor, you always maintained high spirits and hope. A true testimate of how you were to all of us you left behind. We still talk of you as if you were in the next room.
What great times we had! I showed you The Breakfast Club and you taught me Smelly Cat on the guitar..lmao. Remember the time we spent Valentine's Day together because Larry had to work late. We ate at OCB (Old Country Buffett) and joked that we should pose for a picture and give it to him as a gift? How about the time when we spent an hour in the Home Depot plumbing section?
i know there were times when i was the biggest b*tch on the planet. I was just so jealous how you and Larry were so close. You were more like brothers than childhood friends. That eventhough i was his wife, i was the third wheel. I'm so sorry for my behavior.
I thank you for all that you introduced to me (big and small): my husband. The Beatles and Jimi. The REAL Charleston and the Real DC. The Polyphonic Spree and the Postal Workers. Your family and Melody. The Commitments and the Velvet Swells. The Dark Side of Oz and the Hitchhicker's guide. Thrift store finds and VWs.
You were a great friend and the coolest person i ever met. You made me feel like i was finally part of that club that i use to daydream about in high school. Not the 90210 types but the artsy kids who drew on their Chucks.
I'm glad that you are no longer in pain. I'm glad that you got to see your God- daughter and she holds your name proudly. I know that you gave up your space so that she could have yours. It was hard for all of us when you left, but we will never forget you! We talk about you still as if you are in the next
I know you are watching us. Happy Birthday and happy St. Patty's Day. !


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