Friday, March 03, 2006

Birthday Booty

I turned 28 on February 22 with such glee. Being in Maryland and having my mother in town meant that i was surely to be spoiled. My day started with snow. A heavy snow that left me happy but equally sad. I hadn't seen a real snow in years and it felt like it was a gift from God, but Mom is scared (i believe it's an excuse to stay in her pjs and call in sick) to drive in any inclement weather and she was to be the chauffeur since Larry was going to be babysitting.
Thankfully the snow melted completely away by noon and we were off to shop. My mother had already given me a Nano iPod that she found on the subway several months ago so we were off first to Best Buy where i got all the fixin's for it. I used some of a gift card that the hubbie got me and she the other half.
I had to get something for Isabella since it wouldn't be nice to come back with nothing for our little peanut so we went to Buy Buy Baby for a quick $50 detour.
Next was Hecht company for a beautiful pair of earrings that i've been desiring forever (gold hoops that didn't come from some cheesy, teeny bopper store). I loved them so much i wore them out. "if you like these i have some smaller hoops with diamonds your father gave me that you can have," mom offered. HELL YEAH! "I'm on FIRE"! i thought to myself.
Once we finished our mini shopping spree at Pearls Arts and Crafts for a few more items, we returned home to my very sleepy baby. Mom was departing for Trinidad- Carnival time, you know- and had to still pack her stuff so she offered to stay behind with the now sleeping baby while hubbie and i went to dinner.
Cheesecake Factory worth every penny. The staff didn't sing the obligatory happy birthday song but i did stuff my gut with this wonderfully, spicy, Cajun shrimp, chicken pasta and a snicker cheesecake a la mode (well, duh). I'm so surprised that i didn't gain like 10 pounds that night. $109 later, we visited our dear friend Nelson at his new job and kick ass place in Takoma Park, MD.
We went to sleep by 11 pm and what a wonderful day it was. It was the first birthday in a long time that i had a memorable time. The other special part of my birthday was that i spent it with my mother, which was a first since i was about 9 years old. My birthday falls during Carnival time and that means i'm usually sans parents. I use to go with when i was little but once i got to an age where taking me out of school was becoming problematic (i would be home schooled for those 2 weeks but would come back like 2 months ahead of the other kids) i spent my bday with friends and brother.
All in all it was a kick ass bday and i'm so thankful for my family that i got to celebrate it with! Yahoo!


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