Sunday, February 12, 2006

Bubble Bobble Kicks Ass!!

Recently we decided to rid ourselves of items no longer of any use to us at the flea market. In the midst of our findings we discovered a Dreamcast system (that i've technically sold twice on eBay but people are always in the hospital or someone has died) and an old school Nintendo System.
We didn't have a lot of games for either but i must mention the one game i have managed to hold on for as long as i can: Bubble Bobble. Okay, it sounds like a childish game. In fact it is, but do you have any idea how many people i got addicted to this game?! How many hours i spent playing this game in my lifetime?! It's on right now on pause because i have to sing it's praises.
The game is simply an endless number of levels that gives Bub, and in 2 player mode, Bob trap creatures in bubbles and once they are popped, they turn into a tasty treat like apples, cherries, etc!
I don't know how many others are addicted to this game. Here i am at 27 (28 in almost a week) playing the game like i'm still the 9 year old playing it in my cubby i called a The only difference is that i can cuss at the baddies without worry that my mom will catch me.


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