Tuesday, January 31, 2006

When Did The Music Stop?

I have to say that i HATE what goes for music these days. I am one of the millions of people in the world that loves her MP3 player. I haven't listened to the radio in forever. Recently i misplaced my mp3 player (it's either in my car or stashed betwix the cushion seats) and have been subjected to the awful array of shite music. I live in South Carolina so the stations of course suck (sorry, i'm from DC and ALL the stations rule)! but to my astonishment, i actually heard a song titled...I'm in love with a stripper. And another titled shake that laffy taffy. WTF!? I know that my parents too felt that the music the "yout's" (my parents have strong Trinidadian accents..lol) listened to was simply tripe when i was trying to be Madonna or Janet Jackson, but holy crap! I have to say that in my ripe age of almost 28 i feel like an old fogey because i can't stand the sight of Brittany Spears and any other no talent hussy (or husser) that is popular because they have a somewhat decent voice or an ass that won't quit. What happened to the music? When did talent become a distant concern to a pretty face? Does anyone remember Tracy Chapman? What happened to good ol' R&B like Boyz 2 Men, Stevie Wonder, and Earth Wind and Fire? Funk like George Clinton, Queen and Prince? Rock like the Doobie Brothers and trusty Willie Nelson? I browse itunes in search of forgotten gems (i'm sorry but can we stop sampling already?! If i wanted to hear Stevie Wonder or Sting, i'll listen to them and not Puff Daddy and his entourage rapping..badly). I've discovered Janis Joplin and Creedence (which is a big discovery for a girl who frequented go-go and hip hop clubs) thanks to my husband's redneck roots. I love Zero 7, Iron and Wine, Nelly Furtado, The Beatles (thanks Nic) and Polyphonic Spree. If you love R&B i suggest highly India.aire shouldn't say that all the new music is bad, but when are we going to stop these corporate machines and bring the back the music?


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