80 degree ...Winter?

We have been blessed with hot, yet beautifully sunny days here in James Island these last few days. After church and a big brunch (blueberry morning cake, bacon and eggs) last week, the hubby and i took advantage of the great day. We went to the beach and played in the sand.
You see, i'm a black woman from the suburban metropolis of D.C. and i'm married to a countryish white man from South Carolina. I've never studied the Farmer's Tan ever so close than i have in the last 7 years.
Isn't the oddest thing you ever seen? Being that or children will be a soft shade of the perfect cup of tea, i will certainly make sure that sunscreen will be applied properly at all times. What if you decide to wear a tank top and you spent the whole previous day mowing the lawn or something sans sunscreen? It just looks like one is wearing a tshirt.
For those of you out there that don't know, black people are victims to the sun but not as bad as our fairer brethren. I think it is because we have more melanin in our skin that provided better UV protection (for those interested in the scientific reason). My mother gets tanned REAL quick- she's what we call "red boned". Me, not so much but i have gotten the zebra feet.
Anyway, i have blocked out my hubby, er, i mean the model's face to save embarrassment.
I have to say that I've never seen a farmer's tan on a woman. Bathing suit lines-yes, t-shirt lines-no. what's worse is a trucker's tan, when only the left arm is tan and the right arm is as white as the rest of the body.
I was in Wyoming one summer and you could spot a true cowboy a mile away. If he didn't have his cowboy hat on there was a horizontal line going across his forhead with the top really white and the bottom really red. It was the strangest thing to see if you weren't used to it!
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