Monday, June 26, 2006


Bed rest could not keep my family and I away from a tasty rainday breakfast treat from IHOP. The babe was quite well behaved and we stuffed ourselves. I just do not understand why they’re food is just so damn delectable.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read your page very cute. I guess a girl confined to bed has to find something to entertain herself. Good use of time. Isabella is growing so nicely and you look like you are ready to pop. Take it easy girl. Be glad you are in the house right now because this 90 something degree weather is no joke. Enjoy the comforts of central air. LOL We missed you at the family reunion. The cousins need to get the kids together. They are are not growing up like we did. They don't know their family. We got to fix that. Anyway love you take care or yourself and your family and tell Larry he is dead wrong for leaving her with that stinky. LOL Jamila

9:43 AM  

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