Friday, April 07, 2006

Fake it until you Make it

Tonite i officially sewed my first piece (from a pattern)! It's rough but still a great acheivement (for the great procrastinator). I wanted to quit pattern M4958 but i said "nay! I'll finish thee with great elation and patience.
It was an apron like the kind Donna Reed use to wear (one of my childhood but never wanted to spend a lot of money on:
Pattern: $1.99
Fabric: $3.00
Fuseable Interfacing: $1.25
Satisfaction of finishing a project: Priceless
The man hours were long since i had no idea what i was doing (what in the hell is Pink? What is the difference between a narrow stich and an edgestich?) and clocked in 4 hours and my dear Norma Rae (my sewing machine. We should name all our appliances don't you think?) even bit me and i went bloody for a few


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