Saturday, July 01, 2006

Family Bed

Thank the heavens for big blessings.
I’m on bedrest, right, so it can get pretty boring at times. This evening my husband and daughter joined me in bed with a bag full popcorn and chocolate chips (What?! That is the treat for champions) to watch a film from my childhood, The Little Prince(1974). The babe fell asleep shortly into the film between us. Picture perfect.
While watching The Little Prince we came to realize that Michael Jackson totally bites off of Bob Fosse! I mean, I could be ignorant to the fact that possibly this is widly known already, but I was appalled to see such striking similarities. He even did the moonwalk in a very “Michael Jackson” like outfit!!! MJ was boasted as debuting the famous move on a Motown special in 1984 (which I remember taping on the family Betamax). The hubby and I were saddened to realize that MJ was not as unique in dance as we had assumed since childhood.
Watch the film and see for yourself! Besides the incriminating evidence on the self proclaimed king of pop, it is a tad trippy but a sober mind can defiantly enjoy it.


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