Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Am I in Labor?

Today i had my weekly visit to the doctor. He said that everything is going well and that i may even reach the end. He did perform a test to make sure that the possibility of giving birth in the next week is possible (a woman's body will release a hormone that will cause the first stage of labor to begin).
Afterward, the tyke I made a detour to SuperWalmart for a few items. Unfortunately i was having these awful cramps in my bajingo. Fright overwhelmed me for the time was not "right" for the baby to be born. My house was a mess (to me anyway), it was nap time and "The Belle" wanted to come out to play, and i was in a Walmart for Christ sake!
I hustled around for my items but left with only toilet paper (longer story). The pains were coming every 3 minutes. I quickly ventured to the bathroom and the pain quickly dissipated. Oops.
I had already called the hubby to tell him that i was going back to the hospital. I had left Walmart without my much needed items too. In conclusion, i spent the remainder of the day in bed watching my toddler run in and out of my bedroom.


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